Building Safety Act 2022 – Registering all in-scope buildings FAQs

7th September 2023

The Building Safety Act 2022 introduces a more stringent regulatory framework for multi-occupied residential properties and promotes accountability for those responsible for buildings. One of the key provisions of this act is the requirement for all ‘Higher-Risk Buildings’ in England to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator by 30 September 2023.

To provide clarity on this requirement, we have compiled some frequently asked questions. These are to help understand which buildings are included, identify the responsible parties, and the necessary information for the registration process.

Q#1 Which buildings are classified as higher-risk under the Building Safety Act 2022?

A high-rise residential structure that has:

  • At least 7 floors or is at least 18 metres in height
  • At least 2 residential units

Q#2 Who is responsible for registering higher-risk buildings?

The Principal Accountable Person. This can be an individual or organisation such as a:

  • Company
  • Housing association
  • Local authority

Someone from the organisation must be the single point of contact for the Building Safety Regulator. The PAP may also authorise someone to act on their behalf.

Q#3 What information is required when registering a building?

Basic information:

  • The building’s name and address
  • Number of floors at or above ground level
  • Height of the building in metres
  • Number of residential units
  • The year the building was built
  • Contact details for the PAP and any other accountable persons

If the building is made up of multiple high-rise residential structures, the above information must be provided for each structure. Upon registration submission, you will need to provide information about the building’s structure and fire safety, also known as key building information.

Q#4 What happens next?

Registration of buildings must be completed by 30 September 2023, including the provision of key building information. The Building Safety Regulator will review the registration and may request additional information or make contact if registration is deemed unnecessary. The provided information will be used to prioritise buildings for assessment certificates likely to commence in April 2024.

If you would like any further help or advice regarding fire safety regulations or assistance with the registration process, please contact one of our experienced consultants today. To begin the application process, visit