Fire Drill Simulation

Fire safety training (often fire drills are used to provide this) must be completed, as a minimum, every 12 months or in line with six-monthly best practice. Fire drill simulation meetings are for the site management personnel (if based on site) and fire marshals/wardens; new occupiers may attend to familiarise themselves with the procedures on site.

What are the benefits?

Fire drill simulation meetings avoid the requirement for large numbers of people to congregate in confined areas (such as within fire escapes). Meeting with responsible persons in an outdoor setting, whilst practising social distancing, will allow the briefing to be carried out without presenting elevated risk. The simulations include a site visit to run through the process, responsibilities and the reasons for the fire drill. Any outcomes and learning opportunities as a result of this will be recorded.

How can the S2 Partnership help?

One of our fire consultants provides a debrief to those with responsibilities and a report on the completed fire drill simulation, outlining recommendations for improvement, where necessary.

Please contact us for more information.