Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 report – S2 Partnership’s summary of recommendations for property owners and managers

11th November 2019

Following the publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 Report, S2 Partnership’s technical team has compiled a Briefing Note, which focuses on the key recommendations and salient points of the inquiry, which have been identified as being most relevant to property managers and owners.

To access the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 Report, please click here.

Whilst the focus of the report is predominantly centred around residential buildings, some of the recommendations are also relevant to commercial properties.

To receive your copy of the Briefing Note, please click here

S2 Partnership’s dedicated team of fire safety experts provide risk assessments, training, guidance, fire engineering, and fire safety management systems to a range of organisations.  We help clients develop robust fire safety solutions, providing the right support to protect lives, buildings, and businesses. This flexible service supports your existing competent person role, or even performs the role on your behalf. The S2 Partnership also carries out fire evacuation drills and training for fire wardens and marshals to ensure your building is prepared for emergencies.